Our firm operates under standards set by the Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board (APESB). Accordingly the provision of any Mortgage Broking services within our firm must meet APES 230 Financial Planning Services guidelines. This standard sets requirements for accountants providing financial and broking advice. An integral part of these requirements is that we act in the best interest of our clients at all times and with their informed consent.
Our firm fully endorses these additional responsibilities which ensure our clients receive advice which is in their best interests. Prior to completing a loan application, we ensure our clients have a clear appreciation and understanding of the relevant facts in relation to the charging for services, as well as the implications of what the client is agreeing to.
For further information on these matters please click on the above hyperlinks.
Your mortgage is likely to be your largest financial commitment; as such it should be regularly reviewed. We understand that clients don't often have the time to review their existing loans or adequately compare rates between lenders. It's easy to put a loan in place one day, only to find a few months or years later it's no longer competitive.
As the proud owner of Mortgage Choice Woodville, we are able to provide our clients a free annual review of their existing commercial and residential loans and can assist clients in obtaining new loans at the most competitive rates the market has on offer.
Mortgage Choice was established over 20 years ago and has a proven track record of providing their clients with the most competitive loans available in the market. Mortgage Choice has a selection of 25 different residential lenders and 8 commercial lenders. Commissions paid to the broker from each lender are the same ensuring that the broker acts in your best interest at all times by obtaining the most competitively priced finance.
If you are interested in conducting a review of your existing loans or seeking finance for a new loan please fill out a loan enquiry form.
For any enquiries please complete the following information below, or alternatively you can contact Tammy on (08) 8445 9510 or 0477 556 686.
For further details of our Mortgage and Finance services please click here.
For further details about our Mortgage and Finance team please click on the links below:
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