SMSF's are a fast growing vehicle for investment, accounting for approximately one third of all superannuation assets with more than 6,500 funds being setup per quarter. Recent ATO statistics indicate that SMSF's are outperforming large super funds. The SMSF structure enables members to have the flexibility to control their investment strategy to suit their personal circumstances. Providing advice for over 20 years, our firm is well placed to advise clients regarding the suitability of SMSF's as a means of maximising their wealth and meeting their retirement goals.
While large funds manage your retirement savings, in our experience they only offer advice when it is sought after. As a result, many of the benefits within the superannuation legislation are lost or overlooked. In addition, large funds can charge hidden management and advisory fees which erode your superannuation savings, SMSF's give you the ability to control the fees incurred to preserve your wealth. Our firm provides proactive advice to ensure that at every stage, our clients adopt optimal strategies to boost their retirement savings.
As well as meeting your compliance obligations, as a member of our firm your personal circumstances are reviewed periodically to detect future planning opportunities. Where opportunities exist, we will contact you to inform you of the benefits of our proposed strategy.
A comprehensive list of our services include:
It is a requirement under the SIS Act 1993 that every superannuation fund be audited on an annual basis.
Our Firm uses an independent external auditor to audit all our clients superannuation funds.
Australian SMSF Audits is a small, personalised accounting practice established in 2011. They specialise in the independent auditing of Self Managed Superannuation Funds. The principal and auditor is Eric Taylor. While based in South Australia, Australian SMSF Audits handle the auditing of SMSFs from all over Australia.
Australian SMSF Audits provide independent audits of Self-managed Superannuation Funds at competitive rates using state of the art, cloud based audit software.
For further information please click here.
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